But what happens if we change the definition of superhuman, to activities that were never thought possible or appeared to be beyond human potential?
When Roger Bannister ran the first mile under four minutes, was he being superhuman? Maybe. I’m sure some people saw that this was coming and thought that humans would reach that speed one day, and his feat was, therefore, within the perceived realm of human ability even if above normal human capacity.
How many chess games could an AI robot play simultaneously and preserve a very high win rate? Suppose the AI machine was blindfolded and couldn’t see the boards of the games it was playing?
In 2016, Grand Master chess champion Timor Gareyev played 48 games of chess simultaneously, while blindfolded and riding an exercise bike. Over the course of nineteen hours, he won 35, drew 7 and lost 6.
What about Daniel Kish? Blinded at two years of age, he taught himself echolocation. He made clicking sounds and from the echoes he was able to determine his physical environment to the point where he could ride a bicycle without any other help. When he was later studied it was found that the visual areas of his Daniel’s brain, normally dormant in blind people, had connected with the audio areas of his brain allowing him to see sounds. He has taught his technique to hundreds of others.
What do these events tell us?
The human mind-body and brain has an unimaginable ability to adapt, evolve and reach superhuman feats. Not actions that are beyond the norm, but actions we currently would think as impossible.
The perceived limits of human potential are limits of human perception, not potential.
Major Jeff Frankart was a PT in the army base hospital in Germany during the Afghan and Iraq conflicts. With so many soldiers being admitted with neuromuscular injuries, he was asked to find better solutions than the conventional path: honorable discharge, return to isolation, opiates and potentially down the rabbit hole to suicide and self-harm.
Jeff created a series of relatively simple exercise and perhaps more importantly, a mindset of resolve, resilience and repair. The results were, well, superhuman. One Lt Colonel of an airborne division came to Jeff with a crushed spine and couldn’t walk. Three months after going through Jeff’s program he was back running, three months after that, he was back jumping out of airplanes. Others who had been wheelchair bound for years were now able to get up and walk.
I know of several unrelated people who were all given fatal prognoses. They all not only survived, but thrived. The one thing they had in common? They refused to believe in the prognosis. One of these people was Barbara O’Donnell. Having contracted the H1N1virus in 2009 she was admitted to hospital with heart and kidney failure. She was in desperate need of a heart transplant as her heart was operating at 10% of normal function. She was put in a coma. After waking up from the coma two weeks later, she recalled some dreams she had while comatose.
In one dream she was told by an angel that she would see through different eyes and her heart would be healed. When she woke up she did indeed see through different eyes because she had suffered a stroke that affected her vision. Her cardiologist wanted to immediately rush her to get cardiac imaging as he was sure she was on the verge of death and was understandably dismissive when Barb told him about the angel’s message.With the imaging complete, the cardiologist returned to Barbara with a bemused look on his face.
“In my forty years as a doctor, I have never see anything like this. You heart is indeed healed. In fact, it is the heart of a twenty-year-old, one which would be implanted into someone in need.”
You can hear some of these stories on my UK Health radio Show The Miracle Within You.
So do not underestimate the power that resides within humans. We have only just scratched the surface of what the mind-body can do. And AI will not replace that intelligence but complement it, and help us maximize our powers.
This is mind-blowing for healthcare and wellbeing. Seemingly miraculous recoveries might be the norm and not so superhuman in the future. After all, a four-minute mile isn’t superhuman any more. A combination of AI and human intelligence will eventually be able to identify and facilitate the matrix of critical inter-cell communications that can fix a damaged heart and a crushed spine.
The most intelligent form on the planet might just be the human mind-body, brain and consciousness.
However, the most superhuman ability of all might just be accurately predicting the future.